
breaking the chain

I'm not moving out of here just yet.

There was a point in my life where I felt an overwhelming need to take every person that I saw with any sort of physical or mental illness, and wrap them up in a blanket, take them home, and nurse them back to health.  Little did I know THAT SHIT DOESN'T WORK.

Yeah, it might have helped in the moment, or lead to greater things.  Of course people need to try and help and show that these people that they care, but I was putting myself before these new found friends as if the very fate of mankind depended on it.

And you couldn't convince me otherwise.

I've always been stubborn, but to put up with the stress of school and trying to cure overly damaged souls I drank...a lot.  Hard headed and wasted, nobody could get in my way.  That was long ago.  Now that a dear friend is in need, the girl that I was supposed to move in with, I realize that there is no reason I should revert back to the golden days of emotional calamity.

Sorry sugar.

Mama bird needs to feed herself first, and mama's starvin'.

 On a lighter note, after having all of my ds games stolen almost three years ago I started to get my collection back this weekend.  I went to Gamestop and picked up used copies of Animal Crossing: Wild World and Pokemon Diamond.  Now I have a reason to finally update the software on my DS and stop using my blank cartridge for what have you.  There's something about Animal Crossing that I love.  The mind numbing repetitive actions.  The cute chimes and bells.  The fact that there is only one human in the town, unless you go online.

"Let us take your life away one precious minute at a time."
If anyone still plays the game and wants to fish with me or grab some peaches my friend code is:


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