
music part two

Hooray!  Part two of my download-able music posts.  Here is Clove Gum's "Druid Ounces".  The idea was to make a sort of free digital 45.  I liked the idea of packaging a handful of songs and throwing them around the web for people to do what have you with.

Click Here to download "Druid Ounces" by Clove Gum.

"Cover art by Alex Salyer"
The download is a .rar file, so if you've been living in a cave for the past six hundred years and haven't downloaded Winrar for free, click here.  You can also click here to download the Mac equivalent.

In the file, along with the three tracks, you will find the cover art for the album.  The art was done by one of my best friends, Alex Salyer, who also happens to enjoy Clove Gum probably more than anyone else.

You can see more of Alex Salyer's artwork on his deviantart page.

Alex is currently studying animation in Laguna, California.