

Tonight I found myself in a financial mess.  I've been working the same job for eight months, raking in barely more than minimum wage.  For six of those months I was paying rent in a hell hole of an apartment.  Paying for groceries + rent + gas = broke, but that doesn't explain why I'm still broke.  I've been leaching off of my parents for almost three months now, and I barely have a dollar to my name.  I feel like a child, wasting my money on toys.  I should have known that I would treat my money like I do everything else.

It's expendable.

It practically grows on trees, but my time doesn't.  Fuck, I'm a quarter of the way through my life if I'm lucky,  and I have nothing to show for it.  Society expects too much of us in all of the wrong ways. More hard labor and bartering, less digital currency and bullshit.

This weekend I will be moving out again.  In this house, the house I grew up in, I feel like an intruder.  My parents just lost the house too.  They have to leave in five months.  Good riddance.  The neighborhood is shit anyway.  Lucky for me the new place is rent free, has free food, and offers a car that I can use.  All I have to do is watch over one of my best friends...who happens to be an anorexic, bulimic, unstable, unpredictable, depressed teenage girl.

Now I feel it is somewhat unfair for someone such as I to try and help a girl like her,
But that is for another post...maybe another blog altogether.

"Emotional Lightening Storm / Heartstrings Puppeteer Extraordinaire"
She's an amazing artist with her whole life ahead of her and she treats the only vessel that keeps her connected to this world like it's a cockroach. It's as if life itself is something so vile that she can not resist spitting in it's eye any chance she can get.  The worst part of it is how god damned much we all love her.  She looks for attention through control.  She is convinced that the only way she can get people to care is if she loses weight.  By no means am I a professional, and what I can provide will never measure up to years of school and training.

None the less I hope I can help, because nothing else seems to work.

I also hope that if I can help it doesn't boost my ego too much.
Nobody wants that.

Wish me luck.

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