
music part three

Now here is one that I enjoyed making, and presenting to people.  Normally with things I create, be it a painting, poem, or music, I don't like to show it off.  This one is pretty okay in my opinion.  It was created for two of my close friends, Tim and Davey.  One day they both took generous amounts of free LSD at applejam.  I heard all kinds of stories about it, could barely imagine being on acid with that many people let alone at a music festival, and wrote an electronic album about and for them.

Originally this was 8 dollars for the digital download, or 10 dollars for a copy of the CD mailed with a drawing, but now you can download it for free!

"Stolen from Google Images, edited and added to the 'album' for funsies."


music part two

Hooray!  Part two of my download-able music posts.  Here is Clove Gum's "Druid Ounces".  The idea was to make a sort of free digital 45.  I liked the idea of packaging a handful of songs and throwing them around the web for people to do what have you with.


music part one

In an attempt to revamp my creative side I will be periodically posting download-able music created by moi under the names Clove Gum and Dyrt Jones in the past.

Hopefully, when I have a computer again, I will be able to write/record and post more if it's wanted.

 Here's a teaser.

Click Here to download a rough (to be played live) fifteen minute edit of the song "Sand" by Clove Gum.

Clove Gum was more of an experiment than anything else.  I wanted to see what I could do with electronic music in the midst of the ever rising popularity of electronic music.  I also wanted to recreate raw emotions, audible textures, and induce deep thought by pulling the listener into a trance-like state.  I wanted to throw people into a world that their mind's developed through the sounds I created.


breaking the chain

I'm not moving out of here just yet.

There was a point in my life where I felt an overwhelming need to take every person that I saw with any sort of physical or mental illness, and wrap them up in a blanket, take them home, and nurse them back to health.  Little did I know THAT SHIT DOESN'T WORK.

Yeah, it might have helped in the moment, or lead to greater things.  Of course people need to try and help and show that these people that they care, but I was putting myself before these new found friends as if the very fate of mankind depended on it.