

Tonight I found myself in a financial mess.  I've been working the same job for eight months, raking in barely more than minimum wage.  For six of those months I was paying rent in a hell hole of an apartment.  Paying for groceries + rent + gas = broke, but that doesn't explain why I'm still broke.  I've been leaching off of my parents for almost three months now, and I barely have a dollar to my name.  I feel like a child, wasting my money on toys.  I should have known that I would treat my money like I do everything else.

It's expendable.


more for us less for you

After years of mocking the blogger in the back of the coffee shop feeding their carpal tunnel I find myself lying in bed writing to an audience of strangers.

It seems that as I have gotten older I've become more reclusive and and a bit picky about who I choose to share my thoughts with.  What better way to break the habit than a blog?

